Friday 22 February 2013

CSS Reads 2013

CSS Reads 2013

- Over the next 2 months, every Grade 9 CSS student will select, read and advocate for a book of their choice
- You can choose anything, fiction or non-fiction, the guiding question is: WHY IS THIS BOOK IMPORTANT & MEANINGFUL FOR CSS GRADE 9’s? (Try to choose a book as though you are selecting the one novel that is so important, all of the CSS Grade 9's will study next year)
- Books must be at an appropriate reading level (there will be a short one-on-one conference for each student with Mr. Bailey on Monday and Tuesday, Feb 25th & 26th, to confirm your book choices)

 For CSS Reads 2013, I will be reading the novel, Street Pharm by Allison van Diepen. The piece of literature falls under the genre of social issues, which means that the plot is going to revolve around mental and physical issues around the social environment of teenagers. Street Pharm is about a 16 year old teenage boy named Ty Johnson who masks himself as a drug-lord that supplies a variety of people with cocainm weed and heroin. With his smarts, skills and discipline he attempts to keep his buisness under the police's radar as well as his Dad's. As the #1 dealer on the streets, he needs to find strategies for survival in highschool, home and on the street. 

Street Pharm                                                                                    Sterling Wong
Allison van Diepen

“Reality is a crutch for people who can’t cope with drugs.”
Lily Tomlin, American Actress

“What are you gonna be when you grow up?” That’s what most kids asked. A firefighter, a doctor, a actor or a astronaut. Not me. Mom always asked me what I wasn’t gonna be, and you know what she wanted me to say? A dealer, stealer, free-wheeler, player, hater, a downright dog-that’s what my Dad was though.  “Take high school. A waste of time. Nobody there taught me what I needed to survive on the streets....”

Like Father, like Son, Ty Johnson inherits his Dad’s, Orlando Johnson, successful business on the streets at the age of sixteen.  Being the wholesale drug supplier for his high school, he supplies a community of friends and family with cocaine, weed and crystal meth. Just when he thinks he has a grasp of being a student, son and boyfriend, his clients get caught with possession of drugs that  trail back to Tyson.  Will he keep his Father’s business alive and growing or will he get caught by the police, forcing him to give-up his role as a student, son and boyfriend so he can join his Father in Jail.

My Critique 

Overall my novel, Street Pharm by Allison van Diepen was a worthy book to read. It is a book that highlights reality drug factors and problems that are in are in our society today. There are many themes and messages that revolve around the novel. But I think that the "big message"of Street Pharm is that can you mask yourself as a drug dealer while having a real positive life. I know that Allison van Diepen soaked the book with this message because I can find many solid examples in the book. One of the examples that show struggles having a life as a drug dealer and having a normal life is on page 202, "Alyse . . . " I reached for her hand. but she kept it away from me. "We both  know that our relationship's gotta stop here. Even if you were willing me to give me another chance, the situation's too dangerous for me to have a girlfriend. But we can still keep in touch, I'll call you." "Are you serious?!" she looked at me like I was a monster. "You played me, that aint no basis for a friendship, that aint no basis for anything!" She walked out. The example that I have just shown includes a character name Alyse, which plays as Ty's girlfriend, and that she is also a teenage Mom of a 2 year old boy. Ty is having a mental tug of war, deciding if having a personal relationship with someone could land himself and others in dangerous situations on the street or even at school. Another factor that plays a vital role in the book is another mysterious drug lord named Darkmen. Darkmen is on a chase to hunt and kill Ty Johnson, whether if it to be for money or for revenge. The protanist's problems, Ty Johnson, revolve with family and friends, the police and the sinister Darkmen.

However there is a negative aspect that disrupts the whole storyline the book. I believe that the negative perspective is the language choice. Allison van Diepen uses a strong theme, but interprets it with basic dry language. I think Allison van Diepen could have enhanced the book by mixing in more descriptive vocabulary. Overall, Street Pharm is a great novel that goes into depth with social issues with youth problems, making it easy for us youth readers to make connections to our real life. It has mature humour making the novel enjoyable to read all throughout the book.

I would rate the book, Street Pharm, by Allison van Diepen: 9/10